Negligent Security

In Florida, negligent security laws hold property managers and owners responsible for crimes, such as assaults, rape, and shootings, that occur on their property due to insufficient security precautions. It is their responsibility to take reasonable action to protect guests/tenants/visitors from foreseeable dangers.   

Premises Liability 

Business owners, and even homeowners or tenants, must protect guests/customers from known hazards, such as spills or broken steps. Examples of incidents that fall under premises liability include slip/trip and falls, dog bites, improperly secured equipment, pool drownings, and elevator/escalator incidents.

Auto Accidents

When a collision occurs, it may result in serious injury or extensive vehicle damage. The severity of such accidents may require compensation for medical care for everyone in the vehicle. The complexity of such a case can increase when it involves a company or government-operated vehicle. 

Trucking Accidents

Accident cases involving large commercial vehicles, such as semi-trucks, delivery trucks, or fleet vehicles operated by a company can be complicated. They often involve intricate factors related to regulations and the involvement of multiple insurance companies.  

Motorcycle Accidents

Failing to notice motorcyclists, speed, or disregarding right-of-way rules may result in an accident to the motorcycle rider. These types of accidents often result in catastrophic outcomes, frequently resulting in severe injury. Often, motorcyclists are unfairly blamed for accidents due to misconceptions about their safety practices. 

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere at a shopping center, workplace, or even a parking lot. Depending on the severity of the fall, injuries can range from sprains to traumatic brain injuries or life-changing issues. Often, accidents could have been prevented if property owners fulfill their duty to maintain a safe property. 

Nursing Home Negligence

With so many nursing homes in Florida, there is a greater chance a loved one can be harmed in their care. This abuse typically comes across as; neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological trauma, or even financial abuse. These may range from bed sores, untrained staff, turning a blind eye, or staff taking advantage of the elderly in their care.   

Medical Malpractice

When a doctor or medical professional is negligent or provides care that harms a patient or leaves them with prolonged or permanent pain and suffering there may be grounds for a medical malpractice case. The impact on the patient could be life-altering and require extensive care to be provided indefinitely.  

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are devastating and life-altering, they can be imperceptible to the casual observer, or require around-the-clock care and supervision. Families grappling with a brain injury understand the profound emotional and financial toll it exacts and recovery can span a lifetime for both the injured and their family. 

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death is when a loved one dies as the result of another person's or company's negligence or wrongdoing. This can have a severe and profoundly traumatic impact on the lives of their families. If the death could have been prevented there may be reason to pursue a case. 

Products Liability

Things you use every day from kitchen appliances to children’s toys, and vehicles can cause injury. Someone could have a potential product liability claim if they were injured due to a defective product design, or the manufacturer failed to warn of dangerous issues with the product.

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